Privacy policy for TrainMate

Information displayed on the ALSTOM TrainMate® web site is not for public use. Only by ALSTOM added users have access to the information.

Data collection

Browsing of the TrainMate web site requires login with a user name and a password. The data is sent in encrypted form to secure servers. ALSTOM may collect limited non-personally identifying information that your browser makes available whenever you visit TrainMate. This log information includes your IP address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your query and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser.

The purpose of the data collection is to provide and maintain the TrainMate service.

Data retention

ALSTOM keep your account information for as long as the account is in existence. If the account has not been used for 2 years the data is deleted without notification.

Data correction and deletion

You have the right to request correction of data and deletion of data. You may also contact the national Data Protection Authority for any complaints.


When you visit TrainMate, a cookie is sent to your device that uniquely identifies your browser. Cookies are used to improve the quality of the service. We do this by storing user preferences in cookies.

Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features or services on TrainMate may not function properly without cookies.


Your personal information is treated as private, confidential information by ALSTOM and we strive to ensure that your personal information is protected at all times. To maintain the confidentiality of your personal information, this information is kept in a secure environment by ALSTOM.

Only the ALSTOM TrainMate System Administrator has access to your personal information, but not the password.

ALSTOM will never disclose, sell or lease to any third party other than our subsidiaries, any personal information that you provide on this site without your permission, unless we are required to do so by law.

Changes to this policy

ALSTOM reserves the right to change this privacy statement and will inform the users beforehand about the changes.

Contact information

See the contact information after login to get in contact with the System Administrator and the Data Protection Officer.

Updated: 2023-06-02